The Events module on Be Collective is a great way for Volunteer Managers to group multiple volunteer opportunities related to a program, theme or an event (such as a fun run, fête or festival). Our Events module (which is available to Be Collective Pro users) has enjoyed a little spit and polish. These enhancements are ready for you to use now. Below is a summary of the changes:
• We’ve revamped the Overview tab to now show a full list of all the volunteer opportunities and shifts associated with an event. In this view, volunteer managers will see the shifts within an opportunity listed sequentially by start time. In the overview tab, you will see shift start time, opportunity name/role, capacity (fill rate), volunteer names and contact phone number in addition to a column to mark attendance. NB: the overview was once a calendar view, now is a list.
• The Overview information can now be exported as either a text file or PDF – ready for use at any event. Our clients have indicated having a document is a handy way to ensure an event runs smoothly, particularly when wifi doesn’t.
• Introducing: Capacity! (aka. 'fill rates'). Organising events can be complex. Often multiple volunteers are required for various roles: two people welcoming guests, four people cooking sausages on the barbeque and eight volunteers for set up and pack down (and so on). Understanding at a glance how many positions have been filled, helps a volunteer manager know which roles need more volunteers and where to apply additional focus.
This image shows what volunteer managers will now see: a fill rate of 3/3 indicates the (Set Up Crew) role has all the volunteers it needs. Additionally, for volunteer opportunities where an opportunity has unlimited spaces available, volunteer managers will now see an asterix in the fill rate. So, in this example, you will see the Site Operations Crew has 7 roles filled (as indicated by 7/*).
If you are yet to start using the Events module, here is some handy information on how to get started. If you are a Be Collective Pro User and need help, reach out to your Community Development Manager for inspiration.
Further reading:
Events explained
How to create an event
How to cancel an event
How to collect donations through an event
If you are not already a Be Collective Pro user, and would like to know more, reach out to our Community Development team.