Our in-house development team has been working hard here in Melbourne delivering new and improved functionality to make volunteer management even easier. Here is a snapshot of some recent enhancements delivered to the platform:
Personalised decline messages
[Relevant to: Be Collective Standard, Plus and Pro Plans]
Sometimes a volunteer applicant isn’t quite right for the role. Perhaps they do not possess the right qualifications or experience, or hopefully you just have too many volunteer applications to choose from. We thought it’d be nice to offer volunteer managers the option to write a personalised message or feedback to the applicant when declining an application. Providing feedback lets your applicant know you care and keeps them connected and motivated for the future. We’ve also amended the notification email from saying ‘declined’ to a more generic ‘your application status has been updated’. Read the full Help Centre article.
Volunteer deletion / removal of data
[Relevant to: volunteers, Be Collective Standard, Plus & Pro Plans]
Breaking up is never easy. That said, sometimes it’s inevitable. We have made it clearer as to how users of Be Collective can delete their profile and also request their data to be removed.
It’s important to note, Be Collective doesn’t own any user data. The removal of user data needs to be discussed and agreed upon by the volunteer and organisation (through the admin of a group). Read the step-by-step instructions on how to delete your account as a volunteer/user here. And here’s the handy guide for volunteer managers who receive a request for data deletion here.
Social share capability (articles, oppty, group)
[Relevant to: Be Collective Standard, Plus and Pro Plans]
We’re all about amplifying goodwill. That’s why we offer the ability to share a volunteer opportunity, your group page or an article to social media. The more you share your organisations’ story, the more likely someone with the same values will respond. We’ve given our ‘social share’ capability a bit of a spit and polish. We’ve improved how either an opportunity (your logo) or an article (a photo) looks when you share a link to LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter/X. Check out how to share in this Help Centre article.
Improved Detailed Reporting functionality
[Relevant to: Be Collective Pro plans]
For our Be Collective Pro clients with an organisation structure or programs organised into sub-groups (hierarchy), we have inserted a handy filter to view the Overview and Detailed reports for the entire group, any single sub-group or any combination of sub-groups.
The filter will automatically be set to 'select all' groups. To view the data for any sub-group or combination of sub-group, simply deselect the groups you don't want to include from the list in the dropdown menu. All the information contained on the Detailed Reporting page will automatically reflect the filter selections you make. If you have selected 'all subgroups' or a collection of subgroups, the report will show aggregated data for all groups.
To take complexity out of your overviews and become a reporting whiz, read this Help Centre article.